citycarrier software company, about us

About us

Throughout the course of our professional lives almost every team member of ours had a chance to work hand in hand with small businesses and we know of their problems firsthand.

15 years ago, some white goods sellers, small garment retailers, restaurants and cafes – they all complained about difficulties in delivering their products to customers. On the one hand it was a good advantage, on the other it was an issue to do with managing the delivery itself. Spontaneous or late arrivals of a courier, inappropriate transportation conditions and shipment safety problems brought about many questions and a lot of dissatisfaction from customers, which at the end of the day damaged the retailers’ reputation and rendered all their efforts futile.

Lack of control and systematization of the process caused uncontrolled expenditures oftentimes making the service unprofitable for small retailers.

Being IT specialists, we often wondered how to automate the process and took to finding solutions. It was clear that by helping businesses we could build our own. Now it would ensure a smooth operation of the courier, timely and quality delivery and save expenses.

Time passed by and demands grew. Our product had new features added to it while constantly upgrading. Among our clients were medium and large businesses whose demands and requirements were way past simple courier deliveries. It was not about just a simple optimization; they needed full automatization of all stages of the transport and logistics chain with flexible management and control in rather tough restricting environment. 

Meanwhile the COVID-19 pandemics changed the logistics market where the large companies have grown very demanding with regards to the carriers’ IT infrastructure and the delivery process as such. Logistics companies were forced to adapt their business processes accordingly.

By fundamentally exploring new challenges and identifying issues that needed resolution, we meticulously worked on solutions keeping the future in mind. We spent several years on research and development of our product, which eventually brought around our unique and self-sufficient Smart Delivery Logistics Software. 

Big thanks go to our clients who believed in our potential and supported us while taking part in its development. With the ready software at hand, we created API integration and managed to achieve a highest automation of all the systems in real time. That’s how routeOptimizer emerged. Later on, upon a request and with the participation of another our client we developed a unique module called routeXpander, which allows to integrate any passenger transportation lines to the operator’s already available transport management system. It greatly expanded the geography of freight deliveries by using shorter and more optimal routes with multiple connections. These modules can autonomously connect to the client’s systems. 

However, together with Smart Delivery they form intelligent, flexible and highly automated transportation management unit which can bring significant savings to the client.

Logistics as an industry associated with intensive use of transport today, sadly remains among the main polluters of the environment. Fully realizing our social responsibility, we always looked at the optimization process from the standpoint of not only generating savings but also minimizing CO2 emissions.

We have apparently entered the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution whose attributes are everywhere to be seen. Digitalization, the Internet of things, drones, smart supply chain management and more are fundamentally rethinking the basic principles of traditional logistics. They open up huge technological opportunities for suppliers, transport and logistics operators uniting them all into a large ecosystem where AI plays a significant role.

However, a smooth and painless transition into an ultra-technological era with contemporary management and control systems is one of our priorities along with other questions that may arise out of using smart technologies. All of this is for the sake of our better future. 

We are working today on what will be needed tomorrow.

We see farther.