credit limit

Risks mitigation: Credit line for contractual customers

Logistics companies value all their clients, but every client also presents some level of risk.
The challenge is to efficiently manage client spending limits while still minimizing those risks.

During the software development, our client asked a solution to control order limits without resorting to outright order rejection. Their priority was to empower clients to complete orders even when exceeding pre-agreed credit limits, whilst minimising the administrative overhead. They wanted a smooth, operator-friendly process that avoided delays and the need for constant liaison with account managers.
The challenge was to balance client satisfaction with robust financial control. Simply blocking orders exceeding credit limits wasn’t an option. The ideal scenario was to offer flexibility while maintaining a clear overview of each client’s spending.

Our solution? A new “Credit Line” feature, configurable for each client based on their individual contract terms.
This seamlessly integrated with our existing system, which already manages client payment options.
Now, when a client attempts an order that pushes them over their agreed monthly limit, the system automatically presents alternative payment methods – such as card or cash – for that specific order. This allows operators to process orders quickly and efficiently, without turning away business or increasing the company’s financial exposure. The client retains control, the operator maintains efficiency, and the business mitigates risk.
It’s a win-win.

Logistic service, payment methods, city cacrrier

To learn more about how Smart Delivery can benefit your logistics business, please contact us